The HoReCa4VET project will contribute to the identification of learning outcomes in the framework of identified learning outcomes by employers based on current market demand, as additional professional skills in the European dimension, which can be acquired in three qualifications as part of the project which are:
- Creating flavors, decorating dishes;
- Kitchen work management
- Management in the HORECA industry.
The qualifications developed in the project may complement the skills acquired as part of formal and non-formal education, as it is a response to the needs of the labour market identified in the conducted research. Confirmed qualification will provide employers with qualified staff and will enable employees to be employed on the labor market.

The developed results will also constitute a study for working people who do not have confirmed qualifications. They can also be a starting point necessary to start a career and promotion.
The developed validation and certification model will be the material necessary for the development of future courses and training programs and will be a catalog of skills for people who want to develop and acquire and confirm qualifications, as well as a set of skills that can be confirmed in non-formal education. The target group of the project includes mainly persons conducting or interested in conducting training in HoReCa.
Additional the target group composed of VET institutions, employees of enterprises, employees of institutions occupying with development, validation and confirmation of professional qualifications and competences, sectoral and local governmental organisations, HR specialists, professional and personal advisers will extends the offer of high quality learning opportunities.