Comparative analysis based on methods and tools existing in each partner country for the validation and certification process. This will not be a literature analysis. The subject of the analysis will be the analysis of the actual state in partner countries based on testing of available training materials, ordinances, etc. regarding the existing tools of the validation and certification process.

The result includes the development of training in the work environment, cascading, flexible learning paths, activating didactic methods, modern, innovative methods teaching taking into account the specifics of HOReca. Great emphasis will be placed on the individualization of training, active and practical learning methods, solutions in organization and didactics.
HOReca trainings conducive to the development of creativity and innovation.
- The methodology of developing a curricula and educational packages
- A training program/packages with an indication of possibility to achieve the learning outcomes through distance learning and stationary education (in English)
- An improved, final training program/packages (in English and national languages of the partner countries

Validation and certification of non-formal and informal learning is a crucial challenge of lifelong learning and a priority for national and European vocational education and training policies in all sectors, including HoReCa industry.
The HoReCa industry is a sector in which there is a particularly urgent need for sectoral qualification framework in the light of current developments towards European market.
Validation are methods, methods, tools indicating the degree of acquisition / mastery of effects) from the curriculum, determining the degree of preparation of the candidate for certification.
It also includes requirements for trainers, staff to carry out validation, as well as the definition of necessary equipment, cost estimation, etc. and:
- validation methods used to verify learning outcomes required for qualifications, but also (if necessary) to identify and document learning outcomes;
- human resources, i.e. competence requirements for persons carrying out validation;
- the manner of conducting validation as well as organizational and material conditions necessary for proper validation.
Validation requirements may be indicated for individual sets of learning outcomes or for the whole qualification.

Certification is the process whereby a learner receives from an authorized institution a formal document stating that he has achieved a certain qualification. The award of qualifications will be understood as the result of validation and certification.
The basic document specifying the requirements is a certification program containing the criteria for assessing competence and certification of qualifications, as well as the procedures that make up this process. Therefore, the HoReCa4VET project will describe the requirements for certification, i.e. the certification program, program board definition, appeal committee, examination board, certification body, examiners and validation stages, as well as passing criteria and other necessary tools.

The platform will be divided into: validation and certification part, where the user can find the curricula, educational packages, which enable him to gain another level – certification with the bank of test, games, quizzes, etc., so there will be tools for the diagnosis of learning outcomes from the validation part.
The structure of multimedia materials developed for the profession of an employee of HoReCa department will include a division into qualifications, skills, knowledge and social competence modules. As part of the developed resources and modules, the number of exercises will be increased due to the development of the subject matter and strengthening the element of repeatability of vocabulary and exercises. Each resource will include content from the labour market, places and positions typical of the profession and theirs equipment.

This scientific publication will serve as the presentation of good practice of project partners within the frame of the development HoReCa4VET project. It won’t include obtained interim results. It will serve as the collection of reference material presenting the gained experience of the project partners.